Al Jaleel Society - Wed 4 / 07 / 2012 - 08:27 am
The signing of the agreement for the Artificial Limbs Project in Jenin. The Palestinian Telecommunications Group has signed an agreement with Jaleel Community and Charity Association for Treatment and Rehabilitation, to support the project which supplies people with special needs with artificial limbs. This is within the context of furthering the efforts of Palestinian society to provide motor-disabled people who are in need of artificial limbs, surgical boots and splints; to do this in accordance with the provisions of the law of the rights of the disabled (law 4/99); and to champion their humanitarian cause within the public arena. The agreement was signed by Said Ahmed Al-Lacham General Manager of Public Relations in the Palestinian Telecommunications Group, and on behalf of the Jaleel Association by Said Abdr Al-Razaq Abu Hija President of the Association. Al-Lacham confirmed the extent of the Telecommunications Group's commitment to the Palestinian people including the disabled. He said that it would strive to supply the needs of the Palestinians by providing them with services that would afford them the best quality of life in all the provinces of the country. The President of the Association expressed his enormous appreciation, on behalf of the management of the association and of the people with disabilities and their families and their local community representatives, for the efforts of the Palestinian Telecommunications Group to support the needs of people with physical disabilities in the Governate of Jenin. This in turn shows, he said, that the Telecommunications Group represents the best model for Palestinian civil society in supporting the needs of its citizens and their issues.