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Al Jaleel Society >> Articles Portal >> Community awareness and advocacy >> Conference "Women with disability in Palestine, reality and challenges"

Conference "Women with disability in Palestine, reality and challenges"

Al Jaleel Society - Mon 7 / 07 / 2014 - 10:11 am

On April 1, 2014, Al Jaleel Society for Care and Community-Based Rehabilitation and Al Quds Open University hosted a conference, "The women with disabilities in Palestine, reality and challenges", in Haddad Village in support of the rights of women with disabilities, with The Social Affairs Minister, Kamal Al Shorafeh, Dr Younes Amer, president of Al Qods Open University, Talal Dweikat, governor of Jenin governorate and Members of the Legislative Councils. It were also representatives from Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Jenin municipality, the General Union for People with Disabilities, the Women’s Union Association, the General Union for Community Women Workers, the Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizens’ Rights, Directors of the Security Services, director of the Local government, UNRWA...

After the official welcoming word from Dr Younes Amer, president of Al Qods Open University, the Social Affairs Minister, Kamal Al Shorafeh, Al Jaleel president and Talal Dweikat, the conference began .

The Conference was divided in three main tables.
The first one was about the women and the educative curriculum. This issue was divided in three parts:
a. The reality of educative services for girls with disabilities in the public schools
b. The reality of educative services for girls with disabilities in Jerusalem East
c. Services provided by Jenin Social Affairs
The second table focused on the reality of the women with disabilities in Palestine. It was also divided in three parts:
a. The political participation of women with disabilities and decision- making
b. Reality of Women with disabilities in Palestine
c. The women with disabilities and Social Justice.
The last table spotlighted on good governance with the women with disabilities. It was two parts:
a. The social reality of Women with disabilities and the applicable legislations
b. Protection of people with disabilities: Deficit between the legislation and the painful reality.
Discussions were opened at the end of each table.


So , the immediate outputs of the conference focused on three main points: the first one is to follow-up the Social Affairs Minister who promise us to elevate the obligation for the public establishments to employ persons with disabilities from 5% to 10%. The second one, Al Jaleel create a committee for following the violations of the disabilities rights with Ministry of Social Affairs and finally, Al Jaleel is preparing a partnership with Al Qods Open University to help the women with disabilities to reach her rights.

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